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Biomes (aka individual generation zones)

Subsections of the Voxeland terrain that use other methods of generation. One plausible way to achieve this could be through being able to set presets for the generation script and title each one. Then, under a "biomes" list you could load the presets. Voxeland would then use perlin noise or a similar algorithm to specify uneven, random "chunks" which preset to use (eg tundra, pine, desert). Each biome could have a percentage chance of appearing at runtime. A little fiddling with your preset could lend to large, open expanses of ocean terrain, desert dunes, and much more. I think this is a much needed expansion that could triple the value of the asset as a whole.

Mars Wong , 13.05.2014, 17:43
Idea status: under consideration


Wraith, 14.05.2014, 09:29
So this should be Generator extension. I'd like to call them "Generator Preset". Each time you generate a new land you can select preset from the list or use random preset.
Mars Wong, 14.05.2014, 12:15
Yeah, but regarding multiple presets on one Voxeland gameobject, there would need to be a way to blend the biomes together at the seams. Say, "for each voxel, blend biomes when tundra.yValue ~ swamp.yValue," or something like that. I'm not really sure how at the moment, really.

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