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Break down the mesh of a chunk into submeshs if it has more than four textures

Right now, if a single chunk has more than four textures, the wrong textures are displayed. It would be great if the mesh could be broken down into smaller submeshs during runtime whenever there are too many textures applied. (Just like the CombineChildren script does)

Why is this an issue? Think of a game where the player can place blocks at will. Stacking more than four different blocks on top of each other is not possible right now.

SiPfe , 29.09.2014, 12:39
Idea status: under consideration


Wraith, 01.10.2014, 21:13
The block type in submesh cannot blend with other textures. Imagine five blocks of different types placed together (this could really happen): four of the blocks blend normally, while the fifth one has visible boundaries. Submesh is not a solution - maybe more complex shader with more texture types is.
Carnes, 14.10.2014, 23:23
I would love to have more than four block-types. Ran into this issue when trying to make multiple types of grass blocks.

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